
80 Pine Street
Manhattan, NY 10005
(917) 338-4803

Current Inspection Grade: A
Current Grade: A
Last Graded: 08/17/2021

At A Glance

Chop't has an average score of 14.75 from 4 scored inspections (see inspection history). The average is between 14 and 27, which equates to having a B average. This shows that Chop't may not be consistently maintaining a high level of control over food safety and handling, personal hygiene, facility and equipment managment and vermin control.

An establishment typically has two chances to earn a Grade A in every inspection cycle. It needs to score below 14 points either on its initial visit, or during the re-inspection if it didn't score below 14 points on the first visit.

Inspection History

05/14/2024 | Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection | Score: 7 | A
  1. (Critical) Cold TCS food item held above 41 °F; smoked or processed fish held above 38 °F; intact raw eggs held above 45 °F; or reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) TCS foods held above required temperatures except during active necessary preparation.
05/14/2024 | Calorie Posting / Initial Inspection | Score: N/A | Not Graded
  1. Caloric content not posted on menus, menu boards or food tags, in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control, or as a franchise or doing business under the same name, for each menu item that is served in portions, the size and content of which are standardized.
12/29/2022 | Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection | Score: 21 | B
  1. (Critical) Sanitized equipment or utensil, including in-use food dispensing utensil, improperly used or stored.
  2. (Critical) Cold TCS food item held above 41 °F; smoked or processed fish held above 38 °F; intact raw eggs held above 45 °F; or reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) TCS foods held above required temperatures except during active necessary preparation.
  3. (Critical) Food contact surface not properly washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred.
  4. Non-food contact surface or equipment made of unacceptable material, not kept clean, or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
  5. Anti-siphonage or back-flow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly. Condensation or liquid waste improperly disposed of.
12/29/2022 | Administrative Miscellaneous / Re-inspection
  1. Failure to maintain a sufficient supply of single-use, non-compostable plastic straws.
  2. Failure to display required signage about plastic straw availability.
10/12/2022 | Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection | Score: 22 | Not Graded
  1. (Critical) Cold TCS food item held above 41 °F; smoked or processed fish held above 38 °F; intact raw eggs held above 45 °F; or reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) TCS foods held above required temperatures except during active necessary preparation.
  2. (Critical) Sanitized equipment or utensil, including in-use food dispensing utensil, improperly used or stored.
  3. Dishwashing and ware washing: Cleaning and sanitizing of tableware, including dishes, utensils, and equipment deficient.
  4. Pesticide not properly labeled or used by unlicensed individual. Pesticide, other toxic chemical improperly used/stored. Unprotected, unlocked bait station used.
08/17/2021 | Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection | Score: 9 | A
  1. (Critical) Toxic chemical improperly labeled, stored or used such that food contamination may occur.
  2. Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly.

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